Monday, September 08, 2008

New Zealand Pt. 3- Rotoura & Tauranga

And...the action begin here! After stretching the bones and tired ass, we were all geared up in this extreme park in Rotoura of N.Zealand. For me, the idea of such breathtaking excitement equivalent to the adrenaline rush of Hara-Kiri- bungy jumping never cross my mind till that moment when I seen it with my eyes. The mood was set, all that is missing were just guts, glory and a dose of devil may care attitude!!
Photo: Snap for a moment: Jen, myself & Stan

Photo: The backdrop of the Extreme park.

Photo: Look's what the sheep drag in??

Photo: No pain no gain! The cranes that took me to the top of the sky I almost touched the glorious sun!

Photo: I was up in paradise before I took the free-falling, in remembrance of Tom Petty's famous song. Mind was empty and the last thing on my mind was "Ah...what the fuck"...Arghhhhhh...with eyes wide open and the weight of me body got sucked by the pulling gravity...towards the lake.

Photo: Feel like heaven, the bliss moment where angel and devil kisses

Photo: With the Kiwi bungy guy, sharing the moment of glory.


v k i n i s m said...

Wow... really nice shots :) Skydiving next or already? :)

thoughts said...

umm Peter did you keep in touch with your sheep friend?