Monday, July 11, 2005

Beautiful Day, Beautiful dream

Written by Peter

It was a beautiful day
The birds were chirping a melody
The wind were blowing the sound of nature
The sun were shining happily
The trees were swaying weakly
The frogs were hopping for better places
And the street were full of happy shiny people

It was a beautiful day
I was smoking marijuana
Entertaining my imagination

I was thinking and I was dreaming
I am walking through the lively street
Full with happy shiny people
Everyone talking everyone smiling

I am in the world’s greatest Rock n’ Roll band
Touring around the world
Selling lots of record
Meeting lots of chicks- scoring almost everyone of them
While making lots and tons of money

I am the biggest and most successful idealist
Living life bigger than it should be
Lecturing and sharing my point of view
To the youth and to all the people
Across the regions and continents

My glamorous ideas and popularity
Is greater that The Beatles in the 60s which claimed to be greater than Jesus Christ
My ideological and philosophical thoughts is more profound than the anti-war sentiments in the 70s
My words and my power is more influential than the Reegan administration in the 80s

I am the youngest and most successful entrepreneur
I am the brightest and most promising corporate dick head
Battling through every stages of life difficulties- like a cancer patient fighting for his survivor
Climbing up every step of corporate ladder- stabbing and killing all sort of bastards and bitches

I am now the most cunning bastard and your beloved bitches- the omnipotent one in this world
People I used to kill and stab along the way
Is now kissing my feet and worshiping me like a God
Betraying their very own consciences, their principal values and their credo
All in the name of money- no pride

I am the greatest rockstar
Making love with the most beautiful girl in the world
I am the world’s biggest idealist
I am the world’s richest man
I am king and I am God
With power and tons of money- but lonely at the top

And then the rain start to rain on earth
And the sun hid behind the dark clouds
The thunder strike through the space between- breaking the silences

The bubble of dream burst like a pop!
I realized I was only dreaming
With Marijuana still burning

It is still a beautiful day
And all I want is to get the fuck out of here
Move on to another phase of life
Where I live a quietly and happily ever after- Cinderella’s dream

With the girl of my dream
And my favorite dog
On my beach house
With my own pub or record store
Across the street

Author’s note: "The end is the beginning is the end is the beginning…."

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